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A Way to Justice: Engaging Men for Women's Rights and Gender Transformation

Video Across the world, in places expected and unexpected, men are joining women to challenge patriarchy, end men's violence against women and promote gender equality. To capture a sense of this growing movement, the Sonke Gender Justice Network recently commissioned a filmmaker to interview leading activists who participated in the 2009 MenEngage Africa symposium, to create the film, A Way to Justice: Engaging Men for Women’s Rights and Gender Transformation.

Libya: Is NATO Intervention Illegitimate?

Video The NATO intervention in Libya has been a huge blow to international law, says Phyllis Bennis of Washington DC based, Institute for Policy Studies. The legitimacy of the United Nations as well as the legitimacy of any idea of international responsibility has been shredded through this Libyan intervention, she contends. Editor's Note: You might also be interested in additional reporting from the The Real News Network, NATO Tries to Control Libyan Revolution and "Boots on the Ground"...

A Magnificent Music and Video Production Inspired by Spain's 15-M Movement

Video Inspired by Spain’s 15-M movement, this magnificent music and video production, edited by Yonny Galactico, features footage from the Spanish protests set to the tune “Uprising” by progressive rock band Muse.  The 15-M protests, which took the form of a 3-month long “Tahrir Square” like sit-in on many Spanish town squares, was dismantled by police in the run up to Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the country this week. Some Background to the Protests...

Hacktivism's Global Reach, From Targeting Scientology to Backing Wikileaks and the Arab Spring

Video In recent years, online hackers who identified as being part of Anonymous and other groups have carried out dozens of high-profile online operations. When Mastercard and Visa suspended payments to WikiLeaks last December, hackers with Anonymous briefly took down the websites of both credit card giants. Other targets have included Sony, PayPal, Amazon, Bank of America, The Church of Scientology and the governments of Egypt, Tunisia and Syria.  Now law enforcement agencies across the...

Crossing the Gender Gap

Video Compared with men, the lives of women are so often hidden: behind the walls of tradition; poverty; and isolation. Compared with men, the stories of women just aren't told. But these documentaries are different: they put women in front of the lens, and behind it. And through photography, film, and even animation, they show us women stepping out from behind those walls, surviving, and even thriving, in the poorest countries in the world. Take a look across the global gender gap, and see the...

Was S&P Downgrade a Preemptive Strike Against Prosecution?

Video On Monday this week the stock market melted in New York, as did markets around the world. While most of the commentary is about Standard & Poor (S&P) downgrading US debt, most people realize that S&P's downgrading was meaningless. This was proven by the fact that when the stock market crashed, investors bought more American treasury bills. Garry Epstein, Co-director of the PERI Institute, says S&P's downgrading is a factor to the extent that investors think that the...