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Doctors Make Mistakes. Can We Talk about That?

Picture: Video We work in a system where errors happen everyday, Every doctor makes mistakes. But, says physician Brian Goldman, medicine's culture of denial (and shame) keeps doctors from ever talking about those mistakes, or using them to learn and improve. Telling stories from his own long practice, he calls on doctors to start talking about being wrong. We work in a system where errors happen everyday, where one in ten medications given in hospitals are either the wrong medication or the wrong...

Israel to Become Biggest Jailer of Largely African Refugees

Picture: Video On January 11th the Israeli parliament passed an amendment to the so- called “Infiltrators Law”. This revision allows the authorities to automatically imprison asylum seekers for three years. The plan includes constructing a 10,000 person jail to house the refugees. According to Amnesty International, this puts Israel at the top of the Western World for length of imprisonment of refugees. Today Israel is home to nearly 50,000 asylum seekers from Africa, 85% of whom are from...

It's All about Pumping Oil, Not Helping Libyans

Picture: Khalid Albaih Video Libya could be on the brink of civil war, according to the head of the National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, following a weekend of political turmoil. That's after his deputy stepped down when Jalil suspended six high-ranking council delegates from Benghazi. Adrian Salbuchi, international consultant talks to RT, suggesting it's Iraq all over again with the flag of democracy brought in to guard Western geopolitical interests and pump oil while the "invaded"...

Township Cinderellas

Picture: Al Jazeera Video Al Jazeera’s Witness tells the story of two Cape Flats teenagers who prepare for what is, thus far, the most important night of their lives – the matric dance. In the midst of widespread unemployment and gangsterism, a soaring school dropout rate and the complication of teenage pregnancies, this is the story of two “born frees” and their poignant journey through this rite of passage. In the 2011 graduating class of Manenberg High School, 61 students made it to...

Spain's 'Indignados' and the Globalization of Dissent

Picture: Kasama Project Video Before Adbusters called on activists to Occupy Wall Street, thousands of Spaniards set up camp in Madrid’s iconic Puerta del Sol, and in public squares across the country. Now, as the occupy movement around the U.S. sets its sights on the longer term struggle for social and economic justice with movements like Take Back the Land and Occupy Our Homes, the Spanish experience has valuable lessons to offer what is now a globalized popular front. © The Real News Network.

'Internet Censorship Affects Everybody': The Global Struggle for Online Freedom

Picture: Democracy Now! Video On Wednesday 18 January 2012, Wikipedia and many other prominent websites are shutting down for the day in protest of a new piece of American legislation that seeks to limit online piracy. The legislation, of course, has global implications. Activist for online freedom, Rebecca MacKinnon, talks to Democracy Now! about the global struggle for Internet freedom. "If we want democracy to survive in the internet age, we really need to work to make sure that the internet evolves in a...