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Al Jazeera Documentary: History of Occupy Wall Street

Picture: Video Highlighting the birth of a truly global social movement against economic injustice, this superb documentary by Al Jazeera's Faultlines details the history of the Occupy Wall Street movement, clearly identifying its links to earlier occupations in Egypt and Spain. According to Al Jazeera, Occupy Wall Street "has created a space in the American consciousness to believe in a different type of political power. One controlled, not by politicians or corporate money, but by people taking...

How Big Tobacco Corrupts Science

Picture: Video "There are six trillion cigarettes smoked every year worldwide. This is enough to make a continuous chain from the Earth to the Sun and back with enough left over for several round trips to Mars," argues Robert Proctor, Professor of the History of Science at Stanford University. This also translates to 360 million miles of cigarettes depositing 60,000 metric tons of soot, cyanide and radioactive polonium into the lungs of smokers. Cigarettes persist because of the enormous...

Is Wall Street Beyond Reform?

Picture: Nightly Business Report Video Ex-Johannesburger, Greg Smith, is a Goldman Sachs executive that sent ripples through establishment circles with his whistle-blowing op-ed, published in the New York Times on Wednesday 14 March 2012 about why he resigned from the investment bank at the centre of the 2008 financial crisis. The op-ed titled, "Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs" was published on Smith's last day at the firm. It is a damning critique of the unaccountable greed-fueled corporate culture at Goldman Sachs, a...

'Kony 2012' Hides US Support for Repressive Ugandan Regime

Picture: Video A video documentary produced by the American NGO, Invisible Children, titled "Kony 2012", that essentially calls for the capture of Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), has gone viral on the Internet with over 100 million views in a very short period of time. The documentary, which shows atrocities committed by the LRA, particularly, its use and abuse of child soldiers, has led to many young Americans and others in the international community calling on the...

Chavez's Health and the Forthcoming Presidential Elections in Venezuela

Picture: chavezcandanga/Flickr Video Presidential elections in Venezuela are scheduled for October this year. President Hugo Chavez is currently in Cuba getting medical treatment for cancer. Chavez has undergone a successful operation to have a small tumor removed -- reportedly not as big as the one he had last year. It seems that none of the neighbouring cells were affected, so he will be receiving localized radiation therapy over the next few weeks. Paul Jay of The Real News Network talks to Gregory Wilpert of...

Why South Africa's Metal Workers Union Is Pushing Green Energy

Picture: Video There've been numerous media reports of National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa's (NUMSA) call for a "socially owned" renewable energy sector. Recently, The Real News Network, a US-based media outlet, talked to Cedric Gina, president of NUMSA about the significance of workers leading the transition to a green economy. South Africa is a country heavily dependent on carbon emitting fossil fuels, mostly in the form of coal, with seriously negative implications for climate...