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Joel Netshitenzhe: Sustainable Development and the Green Economy in South Africa

Picture: SACSIS Video The Rio+20 summit is taking place from 20-22 June 2012 in Brazil where world leaders will be asked to make "voluntary commitments" towards a global plan for sustainable development. But, it looks like prospects for a new global agreement, which everybody signs on to, are looking bleak. The Inter Press Service reports that after two weeks of closed-door negotiations, a United Nations preparatory committee (PrepCom) has failed to reach consensus on a global plan of action for...

Noam Chomsky on Palestinian Hunger Strike

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video Amy Good man of Democracy Now! talks to world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author Noam Chomsky about the Palestinian hunger strike. A tentative deal has reportedly been reached to end a landmark action that’s seen more than 2,000 jailed Palestinians go without food to pressure Israeli prison authorities to end the use of solitary confinement and ease a wide range of restrictions. "The hunger strikes are a protest against ... violations of the elementary human...

Anti-Social Cell Phone Behaviour

Picture: TED Talks Video Social strategist Renny Gleeson talks about the rise of a culture of availability with the proliferation of mobile devices such as cell phones -- and an obligation to that availability. In this funny and poignant 3-minute talk, Gleeson breaks down our always-on social world where the experiences of the moment are less interesting than our documentation of these moments, which we tweet about or find other ways to record and share. © TED Talks

Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch: Bush Should be Charged with War Crimes

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video The military tribunal established to prosecute the five leading suspects in the September 11th attacks opened this weekend at Guantánamo Bay. During a nine-hour hearing on Saturday, the five prisoners refused to enter pleas on murder and terrorism charges, or to talk or listen to the judge, in what one of their lawyers explained was a "peaceful resistance to an unjust system."Defense attorneys say the trial for the five leading suspects in the September 11th attacks is rigged...

Noam Chomsky: US and Europe Committing Suicide in Different Ways

Picture: Noam Chomksy on GRITtv Video Laura Flanders of GRITtv sat down with professor and author, Noam Chomsky, to discuss his latest publication, OCCUPY, published in the Occupy Media Pamphlet Series by Zuccotti Park Press. During the interview, Chomsky talks about anarchism, racism, corporate power, the media and what it might be like to live in a non-market system. "The US and Europe are committing suicide in different ways," says Chomsky. "In Europe it’s austerity in the midst of recession and...

France's New President-elect, Francois Hollande, Wants Strategic Partnership with BRICS Countries

Picture: Al Jazeera Video Socialist Party candidate, Francois Hollande has defeated Nicolas Sarkozy in the French presidential runoff, making him the latest EU leader to be swept aside by the crippling debt crisis. Among the first steps President-elect Hollande is planning, is to push back against German-led austerity measures. Moreover, Asia Times correspondent, Pepe Escobar argues, Hollande wants a strategic partnership with the BRICS countries. Like the BRICS group, Hollande wants an end to the dominance of the...