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Egyptian Election Results: Tahrir's Revolutionaries Face Difficult Choice in Presidential Runoff

Picture: Video Sharif Abdel Kouddous reports from Egypt, where protests erupted after final results were announced in the country’s first-ever competitive presidential election. The top two candidates in the first round of the race are Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood and Ahmed Shafik, the last prime minister under Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted in a popular uprising 15 months ago. "[Shafik] speaks the language of Mubarak’s regime. And what that means is the retention of broad...

How Do We Overcome Unconscious Racial Biases?

Picture: Video There is evidence that unconscious racist biases play a role in things that matter very much. In the video featured in this post, Yale University's Professor Paul Bloom addresses racist stereotypes. Bloom refers to a study that was done to determine whether white candidates were more likely to get jobs as opposed to their black counterparts and vice versa. The study revealed that white  candidates were more likely to get a job "when a judgement call" had to be made. The study...

The Julian Assange Show: Coups & Corruption - Rafael Correa

Picture: As seen on RT. Video Julian Assange talks to the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. Correa is a left wing populist who has changed the face of Ecuador. Unlike his predecessors, he holds a Ph.D. in economics. According to US embassy cables, Correa is the most popular President in Ecuador's democratic history. But in 2010 he was taken hostage in an attempted coup d'etat. He blames the coup attempt on corrupt media and has launched a controversial counter-offensive. Correa says the media defines what reforms are...

Are Video Games the Future of Education?

Picture: Video Speaking at this year's "Ideas Economy" on innovation in Berkeley, California, Navin Jain, founder of the World Innovation Institute, argues,  "The fundamental problem we need to solve is that our education system was designed for the industrial era, where you learnt certain skills and worked on that for the rest of your life. Today with exponentially growing technologies, every skill that you learn becomes obsolete in 5-10 years. It's not about learning the skills, it's...

US Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video The 2012, NATO Summit ended in Chicago, the US, yesterday. According to Democracy Now! delegates from more than 60 countries took part in this year’s summit - the largest NATO summit in the organization’s six-decade history. Many international peace activists also traveled from across the globe to take part in protests on the streets. German peace activist. Reiner Braun, chair of the international coalition, said: "We do not need NATO any longer," "No to War,...

Does the G8 Represent a Modern World Economy?

Picture: Xinhua Video The leaders of eight of the world's largest economies, met in the US, for a G8 Summit hosted by American President Barack Obama at Camp David this past weekend. The Eurozone crisis and Africa were top items for discussion on the Agenda. Many African leaders were also invited to the summit. Following the summit, a media report argues that no commitments of aid were made to Africa, but that advice was dispensed to African leaders about investing in education and infrastructure. Al...