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Cypherpunks - The Movement Dedicated to Keeping Your Private Data Private

Picture: As seen on RT. Video A terrifying war is being fought in the digital world. Technology designed to soak up individuals' private communications is in constant development. In the age of cyber surveillance where does the boundary between private and public fall, if it still exists at all? On the front line of this digital conflict are the Cypherpunks, the focus of Julian Assange's show, The World Tomorrow. Andy Muller Maguhn, Jeremie Zimmerman, and Jacob Appelbaum are all prominent web activists advocating the...

Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up: Saul Landau on US-Aided Anti-Castro Militants and the Cuban Five

Picture: "Carolonline"/Flickr Video Award-winning journalist, filmmaker, author, professor Saul Landau has made more than 45 films and written 14 books, many about Cuba. His latest film is "Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up," about US support for violent anti-Castro militants. Landau joins Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! to discuss the history of the Cuban Five and US support for a group of anti-Castro militants who have been behind the bombing of Cuban airplanes, the blowing up of hotels and assassinations. Today...

What Gandhi Says About Nonviolence, Resistance and Courage

Picture: Video After an exhaustive study of Mahatma Gandhi’s works, scholar and activist Norman Finkelstein has written a new book about the principles of nonviolent resistance titled 'What Gandhi Says: About Nonviolence, Resistance and Courage'. Finkelstein says, "I was curious to know, what did Gandhi mean by nonviolence, because, you know, on reflection, it’s not so obvious. And the first thing to say about it is Gandhi was not the kind of nonviolent pacifist that, for example, was...

Syrian Atrocities and the Fog of War

Picture: Video Lebanon-based Ali Hashem, a war reporter who resigned from Al Jazeera citing bias, is interviewed by Paul Jay of the Real News Network about the situation in Syria following the gruesome massacre of more than 100 Syrians, many of whom were children killed execution style. Many in the West blame the Assad regime for the massacre. According to Hashem while it's obvious that the Syrian regime have and continue to commit atrocities, there may be a third force operating in the country, which...

Political Humour: Julian Assange vs Rupert Murdoch

Picture: As seen on Juice Rap News. Video "Is an honest Fourth Estate the only Force than can restore peace and balance to the Galaxy?" ask Juice Rap News, as they caricature the Julian Assange extradition case in this Star Wars spoof. Juice Rap News consults two of journalism's most influential and inflammatory figures: Rebel journalist, enfant terrible, Julian Assange, who  could soon be 'Sextradited' to Sweden. And, on the opposite end of the journalistic spectrum, Rupert Murdoch, head of the mighty NewsCorp...

Jayati Ghosh: 'Greece is Nearing the Endgame'

Picture: Video Greece is nearing the endgame, contends internationally acclaimed economist, Professor Jayati Ghosh of the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India - but it could still go either way, as the recent politics of Europe suggest that there might be a wider attempt to change the austerity policies of the region, which people all over Europe are voting against. If it continues with the implementation of austerity measures, Greece can't stay in the Eurozone and be competitive. So the...