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Coup in Paraguay: Will US Join Latin America in Condemning Ouster of President Fernando Lugo?

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has been ousted in what he has described as a parliamentary coup. On Friday, the Paraguayan Senate voted 39-to-4 to impeach Lugo, saying he had failed in his duty to maintain social order following a recent land dispute which resulted in the deaths of six police officers and 11 peasant farmers. A former priest, Lugo was once called the "Bishop of the Poor" and was known for defending peasant rights. Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and...

Julian Assange's Lawyer on His Bid for Political Asylum in Ecuador

Picture: acidpolly/Flickr Video Michael Ratner, a member of Julian Assange's legal team, talks about Assange's application for political asylum in Ecuador. Assange's legal team argue that if he is taken to Sweden, he will be imprisoned immediately and held in communicado at which point they fear the Americans will ask for his extradition to the US. There's no chance for him to make a bid for political asylum once he is extradited to Sweden, argues Ratner. © Democracy Now! Editor's Note: You might also be...

What Is Behind Obama's New Africa Strategy?

Picture: 21st Century Wire Video President Obama has unveiled a new US strategy for Africa. The strategy promises to strengthen democracy and encourage economic growth through trade and investment. Though the strategy does mention the importance of countering al Qaeda across the continent, there is no mention of the role of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), which was established in 2007 under George W Bush. Yet, under the Obama presidency the US has expanded its military footprint and its secret intelligence...

Egyptian Military Council Severely Restricts Authority of Newly Elected President

Picture: Mariam Soliman/Wikimedia Commons Video Egypt's revolution received another blow this weekend as the country's ruling military council, The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) severely restricted the authority of the newly elected president by issuing a constitutional declaration that tightens its grip over the country's institutions. Under the new decree, the president is stripped of his power as commander in chief and the generals maintain complete control over the military. The generals also retain all legislative powers,...

Greek Pro-Bailout Party Wins Most Seats - But Majority Reject the Deal

Picture: fotopedia Video In Greece, the country's much anticipated election is now over. The New Democracy Party, the pro-bailout party, has won 29.7% of the vote, with the anti-bailout party, SYRIZA trailing closely behind with 27% of the vote. In all likelihood there will be a partnering of the two pro-bailout parties to form a coalition government, viz., New Democracy and PASOK that came in third with a low 12.3%. The new government will have to implement 77 austerity measures, including laying off 150,000...

Men and Women Protest Sexual Harassment in Egypt

Picture: As seen on The Real News. Video A recent study revealed that 85% of Egyptian women and 98% of foreign women experience sexual harassment in Egypt. Sexual harassment is also being used as a deterrent to prevent female activists from joining street protests and sit-ins. Women are frequently targeted by the military and police during raids at sit-ins. Soldiers and police officers have been caught on tape beating, stripping and harassing women protestors. After several violent attacks against women in the heart of...