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Are We Over-Medicalized?

Picture: Video Everyday thousands of people are diagnosed with pre-conditions. We hear about pre-hypertension, pre-diabetes, pre-cancer and many more. In this engaging talk, Reuters health editor, Ivan Oransky warns that we are suffering from preposterous pre-conditions diagnosed within a system that thrives on over-medicalizing treatments. Most doctors are in a fee-for-service system. They are basically incentivized to do more tests, perform more procedures and prescribe medication. Pharmaceutical...

Ending Violence Against Women: Eve Ensler Launches South African Leg of Global Campaign

Picture: SACSIS Video One in three women is raped or beaten on our planet. On a planet of 7 billion people, that’s one billion women who experience this savage violence. To respond to this crisis, Eve Ensler has launched a global campaign – The One Billion Rising Campaign – which seeks to mobilize one billion people to come together on 14 February 2013 to take a stand against these terrible acts against women. Ensler launched the South African leg of the campaign in Melville, Johannesburg,...

True Cost of Chevron in Nigeria

Picture: Video In San Ramon California where the headquarters of Chevron is located, there was recently protest action both inside and outside an annual share holders meeting. Emem Okon of the Kebetkache Women's Development and Resource Centre in the Niger Delta was given just two minutes to address shareholders at this meeting. Okon was a supporter of the powerful women's protest against Chevron for its environmental and human rights abuses in Nigeria, which garnered lots of international media...

The Pentagon's Grip on Hollywood

Picture: Video The military entertainment complex is an old phenomenon that binds Hollywood with the US military. Known as militainment, it serves both parties well. Filmmakers get access to high tech weaponry - helicopters, jet planes and air craft carriers while the Pentagon gets free and positive publicity. The latest offering to come from this relationship is Act of Valour and it takes the collaboration one step further. The producers get more than just equipment -- they have cast active-duty...

Prevention is Better than Cure in Healthcare: Doctors, Let Us Prescribe Decent Housing and Healthy Food for the Poor

Picture: As seen on TEDTalks Video This is a TED talk that every doctor in the world should watch. Rebecca Onie asks audacious questions: What if waiting rooms were a place to improve daily health care? What if doctors could prescribe food, housing and heat in the winter? At TEDMED she describes Health Leads, an American organization that does just that -- and does it by building a volunteer base as elite and dedicated as a college sports team. Onie is the founder of Health Leads, a program that connects patients to...

Final Episode of the Julian Assange Show on RT: Intellectual Giants Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali

Picture: As seen on RT. Video While Julian Assange awaits news of his fate at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, which he entered a week ago when he applied for political asylum, RT airs the final episode of his pre-recorded talk show, "The World Tomorrow". This final episode profiles intellectual giants Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali who talk about wide ranging issues, including the Arab drive for freedom, the West's structural crisis and new hope coming from Latin America. According to Ali, "Essentially...