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Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture

Picture: Video With the British High Court's judgement that a group of Kenyans can claim damages from the British government for abuses suffered during the Mau Mau rebellion, and on-going enquiries into the abuse of "terror suspects" in the War on Terror, the Frontline Club hosts a panel of experts to discuss Britain's record on involvement in the use of torture. The panel includes, Ian Cobain, author of the new book, Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture. What constitutes torture and...

Oliver Stone on the Untold US History from the Atomic Age to Vietnam to Obama's Drone Wars

Picture: As seen on Democracy Now! Video Academy Award-winning Oliver Stone has teamed up with historian Peter Kuznick to produce a 10-part Showtime series called "Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States." Drawing on archival findings and recently declassified documents, the filmmakers critically examine U.S. history, from the atomic bombing of Japan to the Cold War, to the fall of communism, and continuing all the way through to the Obama administration. Contrary to what’s taught in American...

Israel Escalates Assault On Gaza Strip after Assassination Of Top Hamas Commander

Picture: As seen on The Real News Network. Video Israel plans to increase its assault on the besieged gaza strip after the high profile assassination of Ahmed Jabari, the head of Hamas' military wing. His 14-year-old son was also killed in the attack. The latest assault on Gaza has been likened to the 2008/09 Gaza war where over 1,500 Palestinians were killed -- 300 of them children. Gaza has been under non-stop aerial bombardment in the past two days, as Israel vows to expand its attacks. The assault has been dubbed "Operation Pillar...

The Battle for the Arctic

Picture: Video Al Jazeera's Fault Lines looks at the potential environmental impact of resource extraction in the Arctic, and what that might mean for the people who live there. The UN has imposed a 2013 deadline for the submission of scientific claims to the Arctic seabed. It is the precursor to a resource boom which would see Canada, the US, Russia, Norway and Greenland all attempt to exploit the region's resources. These Arctic countries are desperately mapping out their territories so they can tap...

Lenasia Resident Speaks of Housing Scam

Picture: As seen on Media For Justice. Video Nonhlanhla Pholo explains how she bought her land in Lenasia, in what she thought was a legitimate deal through a housing department agent. Now her home is earmarked for demolition by the Johannesburg Department of Housing. She feels victimized twice over, as she has already had to rebuild her house after a developer scammed her by building a house that was not passed by building inspectors. All her savings are invested in her new home and she is in danger of losing everything. ©...

Three Types of Digital Lies

Picture: woohoo megoo/Flickr Video Who hasn’t sent a text message saying, “I’m on my way,” when it wasn’t true or fudged the truth a touch in their online dating profile? But, Jeff Hancock, Associate Professor of Cognitive Science and Communications at Cornell University, doesn’t believe that the anonymity of the Internet encourages dishonesty. In fact, he says the searchability and permanence of information online may even keep us honest. His research focuses on how people use deception...