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Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale

Picture: As seen on Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale Video Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale, is narrated by veteran American actor, Ed Asner. It’s an eight-minute video about how a fictitious country arrived at a moment of poorly funded public services and widening economic inequality that bears a startling resemblance to many real-world countries of today. Things go downhill in a happy and prosperous land after the rich decide they don't want to pay taxes anymore. They tell the people that there is no alternative, but the people aren't so...

Covering Poverty in an Indifferent World

Picture: Why Poverty Video "Why Poverty?" is an international multi-media campaign that seeks to answer some of the most pressing questions about the systemic causes of poverty through documentaries. As part of the series, the Frontline Club in London hosted a panel discussion this week about how to improve the media’s coverage of poverty in a world that seems largely indifferent to the problem. Related to this issue is the role of public figures in anti-poverty campaigns. An important question...

COP 18 Gets Underway in Doha as Kyoto Protocol Winds Down

Picture: Video The UN Climate Conference, COP 18, gets underway this week in Doha, as the Kyoto Protocol winds down and is set to expire by the end of this year. COP 18 is unlikely to emerge with a suitable replacement for Kyoto, as yearly climate talks grind on and disagreements about emissions reductions continue to foil any meaningful agreement that would halt global warming. Kyoto set binding targets for industrialised countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 5% against 1990...

Egypt's 'Open-Ended' Revolution

Picture: Ramy Raoof Video Commenting on Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi's move to grant himself sweeping powers that has brought Egyptians back to the streets in protest, Hamid Dabashi, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York, says Egypt has had an "open-ended revolution". After negotiating a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, Morsi passed edicts, which allow him to overrule any judicial oversight, essentially giving him dictatorial powers. It is very...

Musical Parody of Aid Industry: Concerned Africans Raise Money for Freezing Norwegians

Picture: As seen on Radi-Aid video. Video To call attention to the oftentimes-salacious methods of fundraisers and campaigns aimed at ending poverty in Africa, which profit handsomely from perpetually presenting Africans as needy, “Africa for Norway”, is a musical parody that turns the tables on convention by showing concerned Africans fundraising for freezing Norwegians. It’s counterintuitive, cheeky and very effective at calling attention to the fact that Africans are tired of negative stereotypes....

Marikana Miner Speaks at London Conference

Picture: As seen on swpTvUk. Video Tumi Moloi, a striking miner who works at an Amplats shaft close to Rustenburg spoke at the "Unite the Resistance 2012" conference in London (UK) on Saturday, 17 November. He is a strike committee member in Rustenburg, where 30,000 miners working for Amplats platinum - a subsidiary of global mining giant Anglo American - have been on strike for two months. Moloi led his shaft's 4,500 workers out on strike in September. Moloi is a member of the Rustenburg Strike Committee,...