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Johannesburg Academic Denied Entry to Palestine Recounts Experience of Interrogation by Israeli Soldiers

Picture: SACSIS Video Dr. Salim Vally, director of the Centre for Education Rights and Transformation at the University of Johannesburg, was recently invited by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's Jerusalem office to visit Palestine and deliver a series of lectures, including a keynote address at Birzeit University in Ramallah. He was unfortunately detained by Israeli soldiers at the Allenby Bridge border crossing between Jordan and Palestine. After a five hour ordeal, which included an interrogation and a strip...

Absurdism and Class Privilege: The 'Harlem Shake' Internet Sensation

Picture: As seen on You Tube. Video When five teenagers in Queensland, Australia uploaded a video of themselves dancing to a short excerpt of Baauer’s song “Harlem Shake” it immediately went viral, garnering some 400 million views and spawning well over 100,000 copycat versions. We've posted the "Harlem Shake Special Firefighter and Ambulance Edition" above. However, in an article published by New Left Project, Jason Hickel and Arsalan Khan, critique the "Harlem Shake". Beneath the...

Remembering an African Literary Giant: Chinua Achebe

Picture: Angela Radulescu/Flickr Video Nigerian writer, poet and academic, Chinua Achebe, known as the father of African literature died on 21 March aged 82 in Boston, America, after a long illness. We remember this great man of African poetry and prose with this 1988 Achebe interview conducted by American journalist, Bill Moyers. Achebe was well known for railing against the injustices of racism and Western civilisation that denigrated and dismantled African traditions and culture. In this interview, Achebe, known as the father...

The Costs of War: 10 Years After Iraq Invasion, New Study Tallies Massive Human and Financial Toll

Picture:  publik15/Flickr Video On the 10th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, a team of 30 economists, anthropologists, political scientists, legal experts and physicians has released a massive new report about the Iraq War’s impact. "The Costs of War" report found the total number of people who have died from the war, including soldiers, militants, police, contractors, journalists, humanitarian workers and Iraqi civilians, has reached at least 189,000 people, including at least 123,000 civilians....

The NGO Salary and Sustainability Conundrum

Picture: Video Everything the donating public has been taught about giving is dysfunctional, says AIDS Ride founder Dan Pallotta. Too many nonprofits, he says, are rewarded for how little they spend -- not for what they get done. Instead of equating frugality with morality, he asks us to start rewarding charities for their big goals and big accomplishments (even if that comes with big expenses). In this bold talk, he says: Let's change the way we think about changing the world. © TED

Apple and Samsung's Legal Battle Obstructing Innovation in Technology

Picture: Video The market for smart phones is now dominated by two companies. Apple Inc. is the biggest corporation in the field, followed by the South Korean headquartered Samsung. But the two companies have been engaged in a legal battle over patent rights for more than a year and their battle looks set to obstruct innovation. Patent law is frequently understood as a mechanism to safeguard the rewards for innovation. But companies who employ batteries of lawyers and spend hundreds of millions of dollars...