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In Era of Hopsital Acquired Infections, Patient Care should Happen at Home

Picture: Video Humans invented the idea of hospitals in the 1780's, and it is time to update our thinking, argues Eric Dishman. "We have got to untether clinicians and patients from the notion of traveling to a special bricks and mortar place for all of our care, because these places are often the wrong tool and the most expensive tool for the job. And, these are sometimes unsafe places to send our sickest patients, especially in an era of super bugs and hospital acquired infections," he contends....

Western Retailers Refuse to Fund Safety Inspections after Hundreds Die in Bangladesh Factory Collapse

Video Widespread protests have erupted in Bangladesh after the collapse of the Rana garment factory complex claimed more than 370 lives, mostly of young women who were forced to work in a factory that was illegally constructed and known to be unsafe. The tragedy is considered to be the deadliest accident in the  history of the garment industry. The working conditions of Bangladeshi garment workers are among the worst in the world. Garments are produced for Western retailers, who, it...

A Desperate Situation at Guantanamo: Over 130 Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Picture: Video The U.S. military has acknowledged for the first time the number of prisoners on hunger strike at the military prison has topped 100. About a fifth of the hunger strikers are now being force-fed. Lawyers for the prisoners say more than 130 men are taking part in the hunger strike, which began in February. One of the hunger strikers is a Yemeni man named Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel. In a letter published in The New York Times, he wrote: "Denying ourselves food and risking death every...

Apartheid Regime Bomb Victim Father Michael Lapsley on Using Forgiveness to Heal From Tragedy

Picture: Democracy Now! Video Former South African anti-apartheid activist, Father Michael Lapsley, has turned his personal tragedy into a clarion call for peace and forgiveness. In 1990, three months after the release of Nelson Mandela, the ruling De Klerk Government sent Father Lapsley a parcel containing two religious magazines. Inside one of them was a highly sophisticated bomb. When Lapsley opened the magazine, the explosion blew off both of his hands, destroyed one eye and burned him severely. He joins Amy...

Debate: Joseph Kony and the Neo-Colonial Politics of the International Criminal Court

Picture: As seen on Frontline Club. Video For more than 20 years, the Ugandan government has been fighting the Lord's Resistance Army led by Joseph Kony. While his army of child soldiers roams Sudan and the DR Congo, The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague hopes to try him one day. Dutch filmmaker Klaartje Quirijns managed to lay her hands on rare recordings of peace negotiations with Kony in the jungle. Following a screening of Quirijns’ documentary “Peace vs Justice”, the Frontline Club in London...

Al Jazeera on Oil Companies: The New Scramble for Africa's Oil

Picture: As seen on Al Jazeera. Video Al Jazeera has released the second of a four-part series that reveals how a secret pact formed a cartel, the Seven Sisters, which controls the world's oil. At the end of the 1960s, the world’s major oil companies controlled 85 percent of the world's oil reserves. Today, they control just 10 percent. New hunting grounds are therefore required, and the Sisters have turned their gaze towards Africa. In their bid to dominate Africa, the Sisters installed a king in Libya, a dictator in...