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Making Sense of White Privilege

Picture: LaShaun Williams Video Set in America, "Whitewashed" is a film about racism and the world of whiteness. Filmmaker and social justice activist, Mark Patrick George, uses amateur footage of interviews collected over the course of several years to get beneath the surface of issues rarely discussed in public. His documentary records the voices of white people reflecting on race, racism, white identity and white privilege. “I can go anywhere I want and I am seen as acceptable. And the reason I am...

Why Didn't Occupy Wall Street Transform into a Political Movement?

Picture: Bob Jagendorf/Flickr Video Tuesday marked the two-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, America’s protest movement, which decried economic inequality and inspired a string of occupy movements around the world, including Occupy South Africa – Operation Ubuntu. The Real News Network’s Jessica Desvarieux talks to Nathan Schneider, the author of “Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse”, about why Occupy Wall Street did not transform into a political movement. Given growing...

A Fascinating Parable: The Greek Crisis through the Eyes of a Dog

Picture: As seen on You Tube. Video Al Jazeera's Witness features the docudrama of filmmaker Demetri Sofianopoulos who tells the story of the Greek crisis through the eyes of a dog called Bruno. Following the fate of many real-life dogs in Greece, Bruno was thrown out by his owners as a result of the economic crisis. In this distinctively filmed parable, Bruno’s hardships are exquisitely portrayed to reflect the many difficulties that the people of Greece now face. Sofianopoulos drew the inspiration to use a dog as the...

Three Reasons We Still Haven't Gotten Rid of Malaria

Picture: Gates Foundation/Flickr Video We’ve known how to cure malaria since the 1600s, so why does the disease still kill hundreds of thousands every year? It’s more than just a problem of medicine, says journalist Sonia Shah. Aided by economics, culture, its own resilience and that of the insect that carries it (the mosquito), the malaria parasite has determined for thousands of years the health and course not only of human lives, but also of whole civilizations. Shah outlines the epic and devastating history of...

Political Humour: Fireagra, for Foreign Policy Impotence

Picture: Mark Fiore Video As the on-going saga of America’s on-again, off-again attack on Syria takes another turn with Bashar Al-Assad agreeing to relinquish chemical weapons in a deal being brokered by Russia. It was only a matter of time before the posturing and gesturing of the Obama administration - which seems to be tripping itself up again by sneering at Russia’s diplomacy - invited the ridicule of satirists, such as, Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist, Mark Fiore, who delivers hard-hitting and fun...

'Make the Economy Scream': Secret Documents Show Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup

Picture: Wikimedia Commons Video Peter Kornbluh, who spearheaded the effort to declassify more than 20,000 secret documents that revealed the role of the CIA and the White House in the Chilean coup, discusses how Nixon and Kissinger backed the Chilean military’s ouster of Allende and then offered critical support as it committed atrocities to cement its newfound rule. He is interviewed by Democracy Now! Kornbluh is author of the newly updated book, "The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and...