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France Asks Palestinians to Give Up Right of Return

Picture: As seen on The Real News Network. Video On a trip to Palestine and Israel this week, French president Francois Hollande said that “Palestinians should give up on the right of return of Palestinian refugees or become flexible on the right of return” in exchange for Israel to stop building settlements in occupied Palestine. Talking about the kind of mindset that France is adopting in relation to its foreign policy, Sher Hever, an economic researcher at the Alternative Information Center, a Palestinian-Israeli...

South Korea to Regulate Video Games as 'Controlled Substance'

Picture: Michael Nugent/flickr Video South Korea is planning to implement a new bill that would regulate video games as a controlled substance, like drugs or alcohol. According to government data, 11% of Korean youth and 6% of adults are addicted to the Internet, and 61% of those addicts use the web for online gaming. Many argue that authorities have drawn the wrong conclusion from this data and fail to see what might have caused the addiction in the first place. Korea’s gaming bill is backed by fifteen...

WikiLeaks Publishes Secret Trade Text to Rewrite Copyright Laws, Limit Internet Freedom

Picture: Video WikiLeaks has published the secret text to part of the biggest U.S. trade deal in history, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). For the past several years, the United States and 12 Pacific Rim nations have been negotiating behind closed doors on the sweeping agreement. A 95-page draft of a TPP chapter released by WikiLeaks on Wednesday details agreements relating to patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial design, showing their wide-reaching implications for Internet services, civil...

COP19: Polish Youth Run, Winning Race Against Dirty Coal

Picture: Polish Youth Climate Network Video On the first day of the U.N. Climate Meeting in Warsaw, young people from around the world joined with the newly formed Polish Youth Climate Network to release a climate video mocking the coal industry and promoting a clean energy future. The title of the video, “Race for Energy Independence,” is a play on the Race for Independence, a running race that takes place on November 11 in Warsaw every year to commemorate Polish independence. In the video, young people compete in a...

How the NSA Betrayed the World's Trust - It's Time to Act

Picture: As seen on TED. Video Recent events have exposed the fact that the U.S. is performing blanket surveillance on any foreigner whose data passes through an American entity -- whether they are suspected of wrongdoing or not. This means that, essentially, every international user of the Internet is being watched. Finnish computer expert, Mikko Hypponen asks: How can we protect digital privacy in the age of government surveillance? He says, “If we need a big brother, I would rather have a domestic big brother than...

Israel Proposes Illegal Separation Wall as the Border of Future Palestinian State

Picture: Video Israeli negotiators are demanding that Palestinians concede their future state border at the separation wall along the West Bank. Palestinians say this amounts to an illegal land grab, as the separation wall crosses the internationally recognized 1967 Green Line. This idea that the wall can be considered an international border is a preposterous idea, argues Shir Hever, an economist from an Israeli-Palestinian organisation. Israel can make this claim, as long as the U.S. is willing to...