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Danger of Global Recession After 30 Years of Neoliberal Counterrevolution

Picture: Sox First Video Heiner flassbeck, Professor of Economics, Hamburg University, argues that the world is in a dangerous moment where it is sliding towards a global recession with all its attendant social problems. Globally, there is high pressure on low wages. In the past there was high pressure on high wages. However, 30 years after the neoliberal counterrevolution, it is the other way around. The situation is destabilizing the global economy and requires an intervention to strengthen the labour sector...

Shareholder Versus Stakeholder: Can Capitalism be Conscientised to Care?

Picture: Institute B Video Are we at an inflection point in the development of capitalism? Can there be an intersection between business and values? Can capitalism be made to serve a just and equitable society? The traditional form of capitalism is to make money from a product or service in the marketplace. However, some business people contemplate that the real entrepreneurship is to figure out how the world is better off because of your product or service and bring that into the marketplace. The makers of the...

Extreme Inequality Retards South Africa's Economic Growth

Picture: detha1887 Video South Africa (SA) has the largest economy on the African continent worth about $300bn and could be an engine of growth. But SA’s growth is stymied by its extreme inequality, which places a drag on growth, argues professor of economics, Leonce Ndikumana of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. One challenge facing the SA economy is that it is a typical capitalist economy where the proceeds and the gains from growth basically accrue mostly to capital. The owners of capital get...

Panel Discussion: The Death of Traditional Media?

Picture: Screengrab from Frontline Club. Video A new generation of reader is sourcing and consuming news via non-traditional platforms. As the relationship between the press and the web rapidly develops, questions continue to arise over the future of print, and the impact the Internet is having on quality journalism. "Is traditional media actually dying and does it matter?", is the question put to a panel of editors by George Brock, Head of Journalism, at City University in the UK. In this interesting panel hosted by the...

Russell Brand: The Original Anarchist?

Picture: Russell Brand courtesy Eva Rinaldi/Wikipedia Video Comedian-actor-writer Russell Brand who not so long ago guest edited an edition of New Statesman has emerged as a celebrity with vocal political views. In a recent talk with students at Cambridge University, Brand discusses an interesting array of social, political and economic issues articulating that definitive anti-establishment critique that he is increasingly gaining popularity for. Offering a unique brand of enlightenment and entertainment, Brand manages to inject comedic sauciness...

His and Hers Medicine: Time for a Rethink

Picture: Screengrab from TED Video Every cell in the human body has a sex, which means that men and women are different right down to the cellular level. Yet too often, research and medicine ignore this insight as well as the startlingly different ways in which the two sexes respond to disease or treatment. As pioneering doctor Paula Johnson describes in this thought-provoking talk, lumping everyone together means we essentially leave women's health to chance. Women are not getting the full benefit of modern science and...