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Victoria Brittain: 'Obama Lacks Political Will to Release Guantanamo Prisoners'

Picture: Pluto Press Video When U.S. President, Barack Obama was first inaugurated into office in 2009, he pledged to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. It's 2014 and Guantanamo is still open. Many of its prisoners have been cleared for release by Obama's own intelligence agencies, yet they remain incarcerated. Obama repeatedly makes remarks about closing the prison to no avail. Meanwhile the American Congress is often cited as the obstacle to Obama's pledge on closing Guantanamo. But, British journalist and author,...

Did the ANC Make a Faustian Bargain?

Picture: World Economic Forum/Wikipedia Video Paul Jay of The Real News Network talks to Danny Schechter, a journalist, author and documentary filmmaker who is involved in a new film called The Making and Meaning of 'Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom'. His latest book is Madiba A to Z: The Many Faces of Nelson Mandela. This interview looks back at the era of negotiations that ushered in South Africa's democracy 20 years ago and reflects on the enormous compromises that the ANC made when it came into power. According to Schechter, South...

The Impact of the 24-Hour News Cycle on Our Lives

Picture: Video For many people these days, the last thing you look at before you go to bed is news headlines and the first thing you look at when you wake up the next morning is the news. Meanwhile during the day, people are constantly checking up on the news. What are people expecting to discover with this constant interest in the news? Would we be happier turning away from the news or do we have an obligation to keep up with what transpires around us? For a fascinating and quite funny talk on the...

Why Buses Represent Democracy in Action

Picture: Fotopedia Video "The great inequality in developing countries makes it difficult to see that an advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one where even the rich use public transport," argues Enrique Peñalosa, the former mayor of Bogotá in Colombia.  Peñalosa shares some of the tactics he used to change the transportation dynamic in the Colombian capital...and suggests ways to think about building smart cities of the future. One of the biggest...

Freedom for Palestine: Not Any Time Soon Says Middle East Expert

Picture: Video More than 60 years after the formation of the state of Israel, successive rounds of “peace talks” have yielded no settlement that is viable for the occupied people of Palestine. But, are we entering a new era? US Secretary of State John Kerry has embraced his role with a great deal of enthusiasm striking up talks between both sides again. Nevertheless, Middle East expert, Na’eem Jeenah, says we shouldn’t place much hope on Kerry’s efforts. The Israelis are making...

Political Humour: Juice Rap News take on 'The News'

Picture: Juice Rap News Video "The News" - it's the most viral meme of reality on the planet: if it's not on "the News" it didn't happen - right? In Season 2 of Juice Rap News, intrepid anchor-man Robert Foster embarks on a new era of adversarial rap journalism by casting a critical eye on the paradigm that shapes our collective reality each night; featuring a smorgasbord of guests and correspondents. Meanwhile, what is going on in Finance, Show­biz and the Weather? Special surprise guests are in...