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Banked into Submission (The Globalizationist's Guide to Developing Poverty)

Pinky Show - The socially conscious cats from the Pinky Show have developed a simple but accurate account of the World Bank and IMF's (International Monetary Fund's) role in globalising our world and particularly its economy. The cartoon is highly recommended for its clarity in demystifying the role of the developing world's super bankers, who far from alleviating poverty, actually aggravate it.

Give Aid to Zimbabwe

Leo Kimble suggests that aid be given to Zimbabwe to solve its current crisis. His animation ends with an interesting, not to be missed, twist.

Where is Social Justice?

Amy Stevenson's video examines the reality of the state of equity in the world. She highlights important themes such as inequality, racism, homophobia and gender equity. she argues that if you want peace, then you should work for justice. For those of us who come from privilege, she suggests we teach our children how to share this privilege.