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Why Are These People Screaming in South Africa?

Avi Lewis from On the Map takes an in-depth look at the protests held by COSATU earlier this year, arguing that as a result of their journalistic shorthand, the South African media wrongly presented the purpose behind the protests. From the coverage, you'd think it was a simple labour dispute, but its about much more, he says. These protests were about a dream betrayed by an ANC government that has failed to deliver on its core promises, due to its business friendly policies that have...

South Africa's Credit Crunch

This Al Jazeera report contends that middle class South Africans, are shopping themselves into a debt hole, living beyond their means trying to maintain a flashy lifestyle they cannot afford. Easy borrowing has fueled in-debtedness. The debt to income ratio is over 70% and we have the banks, who've been dishing out credit without verifying people's ability to service their debt, to thank for this situation.

Did IMF Policies Fail in Latin America?

This excerpt from the Massachusetts School of Law argues that the IMF and World Bank compelled Latin American nations to make structural adjustments, which are a form of neoliberal economics that include privatization and open markets.  Open markets and less regulation in Latin America, as well as in other developing countries, have led to the destruction of small businesses, as large companies from America and other parts of the developed world entered their markets. The video clip is...

Trailer: Who Killed the Electric Car?

In 1996 electric cars started appearing on roads in California (USA). These cars that were produced by General Motors (GM), required no petrol, were quiet, fast and produced no exhaust fumes. All too suddenly, the cars disappeared from the roads. Why did this happen? The documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?" provides an expose' of the collusion between oil companies and the motor manufacturing industry. It is alleged that these companies killed the electric car because they...

Emma Thompson Interview - Emma Thompson is one smart lady. An actor and activist of note, Loiclemeur caught up with her at the World Economic Forum in January 2008 -- conducting an interview with her, which streamed live onto an interactive platform on the Internet via his cell phone. In this interview, Ms. Thompson comments on the potential of the Internet to mobilize people, her activism against sex trafficking, as well as, the disjunct of the financial markets from people in Southern Africa. She argues that...

South Africa's Housing Crisis

This Al Jazeera report examines the housing crisis in South Africa. Haru Mutasa visits the shack settlement, Sun City, located in the Eastern Cape.