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What's Wrong with GMOs?

In this radio interview conducted by the Pinky Show, Jeffrey Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology, contends that scientists give the false notion that genetic modification is just an extension of natural breathing and that it is safe. Genetic engineering causes unpredicted mutations in DNA causing collateral damage. it is a primitive science that is not precise and we are feeding the products of an infant and unpredictable science to millions of people. Do we really need to...

Xenophobia is a Global Problem

ACT Responsible is an innovative NGO that targets the advertising industry, promoting socially responsible advertising for a better world. In this advertisement, they show that eliminating racial and ethnic prejudices is something that can be achieved if we teach our children to accept, respect and acknowledge other cultures as well as their contributions to our global village.

End Xenophobia Today: I am a refugee, where is my dignity?

Bronwynne Pereira and Nadine Hutton’s pictorial narrative provides a stirring account of the shameful events that shook South Africa during the outbreak of attacks on foreigners. Their photographic compilation follows the unfolding chronology of the event, showing the focused purpose of the perpetrating mobs, the trauma of the victims and the impact that the attacks have had on broader South Africa. Indeed, we can longer lay claim to being “Proudly South African”.

Dear Mandela

Abahlali BaseMjondolo tell the story of strife in South Africa's informal settlements, which for the best part has turned into a struggle against the democratically elected government, in this creatively produced and touching video clip. For the community featured in this video, struggling against government-led evictions has become a common feature of their lives.

South Africa: The New Apartheid (Part 1)

Black immigrants in South Africa have been bearing the brunt of unfair discrimination for some time. Timechanging have produced a three-part documentary series showing that the brutality of the recent attacks against immigrants in the townships of Gauteng are really the tip of the iceberg in a long saga of hardship and humiliation that black foreigners in South Africa, especially Zimbabweans, face. See South Africa: The New Apartheid (Part 2) here. See South Africa: The New Apartheid (Part...

Water Planet by Leonardo DiCaprio

While celebrity causes invite circumspection, this clip by Leonardo DiCaprio is worth noting for its warning about the struggle for water. Unregulated corporate privatisation threatens access to water for the poor. Access to clean water is a basic human right.