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The State of the World

The 2008 G8 Summit has just drawn to a close. This "On the Map - State of the World" report, released to coincide with last year's G8 summit, shows us that contrary to popular belief, aid money does not flow from the North to the South, but goes in the opposite direction. The poor have paid the rich two trillion dollars for the privilege of staying poor. When you add up all the cash that wealthy nations send south and compare it to the money going in the opposite direction,...

Our Changing World

Noam Chomsky reflects on the changing global power dynamic in 2008, arguing that there are three power systems in the world today - North America, Europe and North East Asia, with Asia showing the most economic dynamism of all. Concurrently, some of the most exciting democratic experiments are taking place in Bolivia. Japan and China and some oil producing countries have been sustaining the United State's economy for a long time, but its not clear how much longer they will continue to do...

Nader Campaign Suffers Media Blackout

Consumer advocate and corporate critic, Ralph Nader, is running for the American White House again, but his campaign, together with those of other independent candidates has been largely blacked out by major news networks. Amy Goodman interviews Nader, arguing that there is little analysis of Obama's and McCain's policies in the mainstream media. Nader rises to the challenge offering a robust critique of wide ranging issues, including foreign policy considerations. See Part two of the...

Globalisation and the Information Age

We are living in exponential times. Its been predicted that by 2049, a computer worth a thousand dollars, will exceed the computational capabilities of the human race. That's fifty years from now. What does this mean for Africans who haven't even yet experienced basic freedoms from having access to electricity? Something that's been around for more than a hundred years.

Defending Globalisation

The Pinky Show provides us with an illuminating illustration about the hidden relationships of power in globalisation. "First world people congratulate themselves on inventing a system they see as fair and efficient. Economics and business departments teach the theory of global capital to the virtual exclusion of any alternatives. Third world people have to live with the consequences of practices and policies imposed from the first world."

Al Jazeera on Trial in America

Al Jazeera English is fighting to stay on the airwaves in America highlighting the broader struggles for free speech and media diversity. In the American City of Burlington, Al Jazeera is  being accused of hate mongering towards Americans and Israeli's. The Israeli Centre of Vermont wants Al Jazeera banned for being anti-semetic. Ironically, Al Jazeera is aired in Israel without objection. The Burlington local authority has held public hearings to discuss the issue and will decide in a...