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Trailer: Religulous

Political humorist and author, Bill Maher combined the words religion and ridiculous to come up with the title of his documentary, 'Religulous'. Known for his astute analytical skills, irreverent wit and commitment to never pulling a punch, Maher brings his characteristic honesty to an unusual spiritual journey, as he travels around the globe interviewing people about God and religion. For more insight into this documentary, watch Larry King interview Maher here.

Barack Obama in South Africa

The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) released this video of Barack Obama's visit to South Africa, where he met with the organisation in Khayelitsha, as well as visited a clinic. Obama talks to members of the TAC about HIV and AIDS in America. According to the TAC, "Obama took a strong position on preventing and treating HIV and AIDS and was critical of (former) President Mbeki and the South African government’s response to the epidemic and their disregard and animosity towards the...

Amartya Sen on the Global Arms Trade

The reality of unequal economic and political power is a serious one, argues Armatya Sen. Rich nations of this world make the most money out of both legal and illegal arms sales. More than 85% of armaments in the world are sold by G7 countries. More than 80% of these arms are sold by five permanent members of the UN security council. More than half of the armaments sold by rich countries go to the developing world.

Is the Internet an Effective Forum for Public Debate?

Much has been said about the development of the Internet as an organic platform that has increased public debate. However, Alexander Cockburn argues that the Internet is not a public space. It is private commercial space, which means that any website can be pulled down by a corporate or government decision, at any time. A lot of the stuff about the web is hype. But the core thing, if you are talking about politics and power, is that it's resolutely private, contends Cockburn.

Bloomberg Interviews Mary Robinson

Watching the mainstream try to climb inside the head of formidable human rights advocate, Mary Robinson, makes for fascinating viewing. For human interest enthusiasts, Robinson talks about what inspired her monumental human rights journey, in part one (this clip) of the Bloomberg interview. Her exceptional rights-based analysis of politics, socio-economic and development issues in parts 2-6 of the interview, makes watching the entire program, well worth the effort. Find links to the rest of...

Dealing With Racism Through Comedy

Every art-form has the potential to influence people. Can comedy create social change? No, says comedian Hari Kondabolu, but it can open some thought. Kondabolu and Ahamefule Oluo talk about how comedy, as an art-form, can be used to deal with the issue of racism in this short documentary produced by Colours North West.