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Evo Morales' First Visit to America

Evo Morales talks to an American audience about Bolivia's indigenous model of democracy, the partial nationalization of the oil industry as well as the country's constitution, which recognizes basic services such as water, electricity and "telephones" as human rights that cannot be privatized. Morales' visit takes place against the backdrop if his expelling the American ambassador to Bolivia from his country in September 2008.

Tips for Ethical Tourism

With the December break looming, you may be interested in considering more than just where to go. Your choice of accommodation and holiday activities, too, have implications for social justice. To be an ethical tourist requires thought, research and a willingness to care, says CNN's Richard Quest, as he provides tips on how to travel without perpetuating exploitation.

Ben Affleck on the Role of the US in Africa

Aid is not the only answer to Africa's problems, says actor and nouveau-activist Ben Affleck. The solution lies in paying attention to Africa; being invested in African issues and trying to understand them. He makes a case against imposing Western models of development on Africa.

The Relationship Between Trade and Food

Trade is very imbalanced against the poorest countries says Mary Robinson of Realizing Rights; and part of the reason is the subsidies on agricultural products in rich countries. She argues for more coherence between the aid and trade policies of rich nations.

John Pilger on the World Bank and the IMF

This clip is from John Pilger's documentary 'The New Rulers of The World'. It is argued that debt is being used as an instrument by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to get their policies implemented in the poorest countries of the world, opening up the way for the natural resources of the South to be plundered by corporations from the North.

Are Women More Democratic Than Men?

An interesting question provokes an interesting debate in this clip, which features many well known performers, philosophers, authors and activists including South African actor, Presley Chweneyagae. Women are more caring, but more wily says one contributor.