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Saving Soweto: 24 Hours of Trauma in 'Bara'

An Al Jazeera feature that follows 24 hours on a weekend shift in the trauma unit of Soweto's Baragwanath hospital, one of the biggest trauma units in the world. This clip (part two) shows the night half of the shift. One doctor and a handful of interns with faulty equipment and limited nursing support swim against a tide of patients. To watch part one of "Saving Soweto," please click here.

Israel/Palestine: 'Occupation 101' and the Root Cause of the Conflict

In this excerpt (part three) from the award winning documentary "Occupation 101," Adam Keller of the Israeli Peace Group, says that the only way to stop the violence in the Isreali/Palestinian conflict is to understand the root cause of the violence. Other parts of the documentary can be found below. Part One: Trailer  Part Two: Demolition of Palestinian Homes Part Four: Creation of Israel in 1948 Part Five: The Palestinian Authority Part Six: Israeli Settlers Part...

The Easiest Targets: Women and Children

Israeli border security routinely conduct strip searches to humiliate Palestinian women and children returning to their homeland. The practice is aimed at discouraging Palestinians from visiting their homeland and is one piece of a larger policy aimed at severing all Palestinian ties to their native land. Such a policy constitutes ethnic cleansing. These strip searches include cavity searches. To watch part two of "The Easiest Targets", please click here.

Globalisation and the Media

Many are wondering if the media are providing a clear analysis of critical voices. This clip examines the impact of new technology on the role of the traditional news gatherer, featuring comments from both mainstream and progressive media figures, such as former president of CNN, Chris Cramer and on the other end of the spectrum, Danny Schechter.

Plundering the Congo

Suffering from a resource curse, Congo is rich in gold, uranium, diamonds, platinum and coltan (used in small electronic devices such as cell phones). Investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen argues that Congo has become a playground for unscrupulous multinational corporations linked to various intelligence agencies -- in part one of an interview conducted by the Real News Network. To watch part two of the interview, please click here.

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