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The Chavez Revolution

The clip above is Part One of an Al Jazeera interview conducted by Riz Khan. Watch Part Two of the interview here. On Sunday, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez won a referendum for a constitutional amendment to lift the country's presidential term limit, paving the way for him to run again in 2013. Electoral Authorities say that 54% of the electorate approved the amendment to the constitution to remove the presidential term limit.  Chavez's critics, who include former Venezuelan trade...

What Would Make You Start a Revolution?

What would make you start a revolution - living under a dictatorship, having your freedom of expression threatened, slavery, hunger, corporate hegemony? This clip provides some interesting viewpoints making the case for and against revolutions. "The possibility that it might succeed," is Canadian novelist, Margaret Attwood’s whimsical response to the question. "Revolutions betray themselves and eat their own children,” says Oxford Professor, Stein Ringen in his...

Global Financial Crisis Fuels Worldwide Protests

The Real News Network (TRNN) reports that protests are on the increase as a result of economic hardship emanating from the global financial meltdown. TRNN reports that there is a growing consensus that global elites are not qualified to handle the world's problems, leading to massive demonstrations against elites. On 1 February 2009, government representatives and corporate executives returned from the  World Economic Forum in Davos. The Associated Press reported "The world's...

The People Speak

The 2009 Sundance Film Festival took place from 15-25 January in the United States. The festival profiles independent film makers and alternative issues. This year the festival honoured Howard Zinn, political scientist and co-author of  "Voices of a People's History of the United States." Robert Redford, Marissa Tomei, Josh Brolin and Woody Harrelson read excerpts from his book at the festival. To view their recitals, watch the clip on this page. The book constructs the lives...

Highway 443: Israel's Apartheid Road

There are 312 km's of road in the West Bank that Palestinians are forbidden to use. The roads are strictly reserved for use by Israeli's. The most prominent apartheid road is a 15km stretch of Highway 443 from Modi'in to Jerusalem, which cuts through an area of the West Bank creating serious challenges for Palestinians wishing to travel to the city of Ramallah, their main social and economic hub. 35,000 Palestinians live alongside the road. all entrances to Palestinian villages are blocked....

The World Social Forum 2009: A Better World is Possible

In stark contrast to the World Economic Forum (WEF) taking place in icy Davos, its counterpoint event, The World Social Forum (WSF) is taking place in another hemisphere in balmy Belem, Brazil.  The differences between the two events don't end with the weather. At the WSF, social activists from all over the world and the most marginalized communities gather to discuss issues under the theme: "A better world is Possible." At this year's event, which took pace from 26-29...