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Bill Maher Wants Obama to Show More Audacity When It Comes to Challenging the Status Quo

Using comic relief to speak truth to power, Bill Maher cuts to the chase in this hilarious, but scathing critique of the Obama presidency, highlighting critical issues not being addressed sufficiently by the most popular president in the world - healthcare reform, climate change, the banking system - all come under the spotlight in this hugely entertaining clip. "Barack Obama needs to start putting it on the line in fights against the banks, the energy companies and the health care...

Iranian Election Results Don't Add Up

There's something fishy about the election results in Iran. It's odd that President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad won the elections by almost a "two to one margin," says Pepe Escobar, given the energy of the "green revolution." But the results are even more surprising given the timeline of the vote counting. Polling booths closed at 22h00 on election day on Friday, 12 June 2009 and results declaring Ahmedinejad the victor were announced at 02h00 on Saturday morning, just four...

Iran's Green Revolution

Iran's presidential hopeful, Mir Hossein Mousavi, has "green power" as well as "girl power" behind him and a serious shot at winning what is turning out to be the most important election in the 30-year history of Iran's Islamic revolution. Mousavi is challenging current Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mousavi is an architect, an abstract painter, a former newspaper editor and has been described as "a very good manager."  "Tehran rocks!"...

Can Gordon Brown Cling To Power?

In the wake of a rightward shift in European politics, Britain’s Gordon Brown seems to be losing his grip on the leadership of the New Labour Party, while his party itself appears to be losing the support of its traditional grassroots base. Al Jazeera's Riz Khan interviews two analysts to shed more light on the issue. *** RIZ KHAN: Hello and welcome. Is Britain's New Labour dying a slow death? British prime minister Gordon Brown and his party have seen some of the lowest poll ratings...

Thoroughly Modern Marx

American foreign affairs magazine, Foreign Policy, said to be read by business leaders and politicians, including President Barack Obama, published an article aimed at explaining Karl Marx's relevance in this current era of global financial crisis. The article, "Thoroughly Modern Marx", was penned by Leo Panitch.  That this popular mainstream, pro-business magazine chose to publish an article about Marx, has caused a stir in progressive circles. Paul Jay of The Real News...

Michael Moore on the General Motors Bankruptcy

America's General Motors filed for bankruptcy on 1 June 2009, and will be bailed out by the federal government, making the government a 60% shareholder in the company. The bailout is valued at US$30bn. The company is to be remodeled and emerge as a "new GM," which will be smaller. Thousands of GM jobs are on the line. Somewhat disappointingly, President Obama announced that "the federal government will refrain from exercising its rights as a shareholder in all but the most...