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Venezuela's Political and Racial Media Rift

Richard Gizbert of Al Jazeera's Listening Post reports that Venezuela's media is divided along racial and political lines. Venezuela's media war is unrivalled with President Hugo Chavez's state-controlled media in one corner and the privately owned opposition media, in the other. The conflict between Chavez and the opposition media began almost as soon as he was elected as president. That said, Chavez does have some legitimate beefs with the private media. Some of them openly backed a coup...

The Woodstock Music Festival Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary

The Woodstock music festival took place from 15-17 August 1969 and celebrates its 40th anniversary this weekend. Woodstock is remembered as an iconic counter culture event, which spread the message of peace and love during a period of intense racial tension in America when the civil rights movement was at its peak.  Woodstock is also credited for galvanizing America's youth against the war in Vietnam. Almost 500,000 young people descended on a farm in upstate New York to participate...

Ten Myths about Blogs

Steve Rosenberg, co-founder of and more recently author of "Say Everything,"  a book that chronicles blogging's rise and impact on politics, business, the media, and personal lives, counts down his top ten myths about blogging. Rosenberg argues that blogs are increasingly becoming sources that people turn to for depth of information about particular subjects. Regardless, he contends blogs will never replace traditional media. Watch the clip to hear Roseberg...

What Is Socialism?

Brian Lehrer of WNYC, the largest public radio station in the United States, talks to Barbara Ehrenreich, author of thirteen books, including the New York Times bestseller Nickel and Dimed. Ehrenreich is a frequent contributor to the New York Times, Harpers, and the Progressive. She is a contributing writer to Time magazine. They talk about "re-imagining socialism" after Ehrenreich contributed to a series of articles exploring the topic in The Nation magazine in March 2009. ...

Obama's Beer Summit and the Class Cleavage in Black America

The Real News Network talks to Glen Ford, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report to get his reaction to the get-together organized by President Barack Obama for Professor Henry Louis Gates and Sergeant James Crowley to have an informal chat - ostensibly about race relations - after Crowley arrested Gates in an incident described as motivated by racial profiling. Obama's reaction to incidents of racial profiling, in cases far weightier than the Gates arrest, has been muted. But, Obama...

Naomi Klein on the Importance of the BDS Campaign against Israel

Naomi Klein delivered a speech on 27 June 2009 in Ramallah about the importance of the BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) campaign against Israel. Her speech was filmed in two parts. Watch part one in the clip above. To watch part two of Klein's speech, please click here. Below you will find an excerpt of her speech, transcribed by Toufic Haddad for the Faster Times and published by the Global BDS Movement. Highlighting the significance of intensifying economic sanctions...