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Resource Curse: Oil in Haiti?

F. William Engdal, economist and author of "Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order" has recently written about the possibility of a massive oil find in Haiti and how this might connect to United States (US) strategy in the Caribbean.  Engdal says, if you look at a geophysical map of Haiti, it jumps out that Haiti and ‘Porto Prince Haiti’ lies right along the convergence of three tectonic plates. Generally where there is such a...

World Economic Forum, Take Two

When it comes to "improving the state of the world" - the goal of the World Economic Forum - CEOs and politicians have been known to disappoint. But, prankster filmmakers found a solution that helps them say all the right things, writes Brook Jarvis. Each year, political and business leaders travel to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to discuss “improving the state of the world.” The Yes Men (the prankster duo that has been re-writing corporate history...

Internet Privacy: Is Your Search History Really Anonymous?

The Institute of Ideas hosted a panel discussion on "Rethinking Privacy in the Age of Disclosure and Sharing." They say,"The increasing reach of information technology into all areas of life, from social networking websites to data sharing in public services, has thrown up a number of questions about privacy. Information about our medical records, financial circumstances and shopping habits is increasingly likely to be stored in electronic media that are out of our...

Actor, Activist Danny Glover: South Africa Complicit in Denying Jean-Bertrand Aristide the Right to Return to Haiti

In this interview with Democracy Now, actor and activist Danny Glover who has just returned to America from a trip to South Africa, accuses the South African government of tacit complicity in not returning President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti in line with the US stance to block the ousted president's return to his home country. Glover was part of a delegation that visited Aristide in Pretoria last week. Glover reports Aristide wants to come back to his country five years after his...

Israeli's in Denial about Israel Being an Apartheid State

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warns of apartheid if Israel does not achieve peace with the Palestinians. But Israeli analysts argue that a South African style apartheid state has already emerged due to Israel's prolonged occupation of Palestinian territories. Veteran Israeli journalist, David Marchaelis says, "Ehud Barak wanted to scare the public and make the right wing Zionist Party think that they have to know that they are entering into a binational situation with no Jewish...

Life in a Concrete Cube: Albie Sachs Recalls Apartheid

At a recent event hosted by the Open Society Institute in New York, former constitutional court judge and anti-apartheid activist, Albie Sachs, talks about being detained in solitary confinement for 168 days by the security police in apartheid South Africa. He describes his psychological torture at the hands of the apartheid police during the 1960's as the worst moments of his life, even worse than losing his arm two decades later in a bomb blast orchestrated by the apartheid...