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Hilary Clinton's Latin American Tour

Hilary Clinton recently went on a tour of Latin America in an attempt to repair Washington's relations with the region, especially after the events in Honduras, reports The Real News Network (TRNN). Many Latin American presidents still refuse to recognize the new president of Honduras, as the election that brought him into power was the result of an illegal coup. In contrast, Clinton says that the situation in Honduras was well managed and non-violent. Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the...

A Dream Deferred

A "Dream Deferred" is a documentary made to accompany the book, "Forgotten Voices in the Present." The book and documentary compile the "oral histories" of some of South Africa's poorest residents who recount their experience of living in the post-apartheid era.  According to information provided by the South African History Archives, "The book is made up of carefully selected excerpts of in-depth interviews with residents of Maandagshoek, Rammolutsi...

Iceland Proposes Progressive Media Law with Global Implications

Iceland has proposed a new law called the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative (IMMI), report Richard Gizbert and Meenakshi Ravi of Al Jazeera. The proposed law has generated interest amongst journalists, civil rights organizations and media all over the world. The IMMI aims to bring together some of the most progressive media laws from all over the world to create one holistic law that will position Iceland at the forefront to protect journalists, whistle blowers and their sources from...

6th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week Observed This Week

The 6th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), from 1-7 March 2010, is being marked in 40 cities around the world this week. The clip above features journalist John Elmer and South Africa's Naeem Jeenah, Director of the Afro-Middle East Center, talking about the BDS (boycott, divestments, sanctions) campaign at a Toronto event on 01 March 2010. The IAW is largely being observed via university based activities and lectures throughout the world, however, the South African chapter also...

Greek Workers Refuse to Pay for Economic Crisis

A 24-hour general strike paralyzed the Greek capital of Athens this week, shutting down schools, hospitals and transportation. According to The Real News Network (TRNN), the protests serve as confirmation that Greece will be one of the first battlegrounds in the public debt crisis. The Greek economy is in turmoil with its government owing 53 billion Euros to creditors. Greek Prime Minister, Georgios Papandreou, announced that he would cut public spending, as demanded by the European Union...

British Comedy Satirizing US-UK Led Invasion of Iraq Gets Nominated for Oscar

"In the Loop" is a British comedy lampooning the US-UK effort to attack Iraq. The film is a satire of the Anglo-American diplomatic wrangling in the lead-up to the war. It's been nominated for an Oscar this year and despite its serious subject matter, has been described by a New York Times review as the "funniest big-screen satire in recent memory." "The short summary is that everybody betrays everybody else, that opportunism trumps idealism and that telling...