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The Demobilisation of the Israeli Left

In this, part two of an interview, Paul Jay of the Real News Network, reports from Jerusalem, Israel.  Jay interviews Israeli journalist and peace activist, Michel Warschawski, a critic of the Israeli government's Zionist policies.  Warschawski is the founder of the Alternative Information Center in Jersalem and author of the book 'On the Border'. Jay speaks with him about the demobilization of the Israeli peace movement. Warschawski contends that the Israeli peace movement...

Music Video: The Dlamini King Brothers Sing 'Abahlali baseMjondolo'

The hauntingly beautiful song "Abahlali baseMjondolo" about the heartbreaking lives of South Africa's shack dwellers, performed by the isicathamiya choir group Dlamini King Brothers. The song appears in the upcoming documentary film Dear Mandela. The Dlamini King Brothers lived at the Kennedy Road informal settlement in Durban and have just released their debut album titled Hlis’uMoya. According to information provided by Abahlali BaseMjondolo, "The Dlamini King...

Why are Humans Prone to Developing Unequal Societies?

Kate Picket, epidemiologist and co-author of, The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, shares her well researched knowledge about this important question. According to Picket: "We've lived in every kind of society. For a lot of our existence as human beings, we've lived in fairly egalitarian hunter gatherer societies. But we've also lived in very hierarchical tyrannies as well. So we clearly can manage to exist in both and develop all kinds of different...

Obama's Health Care Bill: Human Rights for Some

On Tuesday, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Medicine Act into law, heralding America's first national health insurance scheme. While lauded as a watershed development, the bill lacks a public option, which progressives deem its greatest failure.  To call this a victory for healthcare as a human right is a mistake says media critic and journalist, Norman Solomon. "This is as much a victory for corporate America and for exploitation as it is anything...

Doctor's Orders: Don't Stay Alone in a Hospital

Atul Gawande, a New York based surgeon, argues that making the (medical) system work well is something that doctors are only starting to grapple with. Medicine has tended to about isolated parts. About having a "great drug" or a "great doctor." Only in the last few years has it become about making it all fit together for optimum results.  According to Gawande, doctors are not very good at knitting things together. Often patients see different...

Women in the World

"At this point, men have impoverished the world, set…many nations at war with each other and set us on a pollution path to the destruction of the planet. Do you think it might be time for women to have their say?" asks GRITtv presenter Laura Flanders, reporting on a conference that brought together prominent women from all over world to talk about their successes and the myriad challenges still faced by women in a male dominated world. The conference convened by American...