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A Luta Continua: The Struggle for Housing in South Africa Continues

Video Formerly of Symphony Way, a group of 100 Cape Town families were evicted and relocated to the infamous "Blikkiesdorp" or "Tin Town." Blikkiesdorp is a temporary relocation area for families on the waiting list for government housing. It’s come to represent a dumping ground for families who live in conditions that can be compared to a concentration camp. This documentary tells the story of their struggle for housing, while a seemingly uncaring state bungles its way...

Interview with Hamas

Video Is Hamas willing to negotiate directly with Israel or not is the question put to Hamas representative in Lebanon, Usamah Hamdan, by The Real News Network. Hamdan responds that negotiations are a political step which depend on political conditions. Until now the political climate has not allowed such a step, he says. Would Hamas recognize the state of Israel if the majority of the Palestinian people supported a two state solution? "If our people accepted anything through a free...

Video Footage of Attack on Gaza Flotilla and Additional Coverage from Various Progressive News Sources

Video An international convoy of ships, dubbed the 'Freedom Flotilla', carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza was intercepted and stormed in international waters by the Israeli Defence Force. It is confirmed that nine of the 600 activists, parliamentarians and media representatives aboard the flotilla were killed by Israeli soldiers. Israel claims it opened fire on the activists in self-defence. However, this Al Jazeera report, which shows live footage of the attack, contends that those aboard the...

New Book Documents Nuclear Ties Between Israel and Apartheid South Africa

Video Israeli President Shimon Peres has denied reports that he offered to sell nuclear weapons to apartheid South Africa when he was defense minister in the 1970s. The Guardian newspaper of London published top-secret South African documents revealing that a secret meeting between then-defense minister Shimon Peres and his South African counterpart, P.W. Botha, ended with an offer by Peres for the sale of warheads "in three sizes." The documents were first uncovered by senior editor at...

Meet the Brave Journalist that Shoed George W. Bush

Video Throwing my shoes at Bush was a natural reaction to the killing of a million Iraqis and the orphaning of five million Iraqi children, says Muntadhar Al-Zaidi the television journalist who achieved worldwide fame for his brave act aimed at avenging Iraqi's for America's unjust war of aggression. By flinging his shoes at him, Al Zaidi was sending Bush an unmistakable farewell message -- that he and his army were never welcomed by the Iraqi people, despite Bush's claims to the contrary. Al...

Crisis in Thailand: Is Red Shirt Movement a Genuine Grassroots Struggle?

Video In Thailand, the government has rejected an offer by anti-government protesters to enter talks after a bloody week in Bangkok that's left at least 38 protesters dead. Some fear the standoff could lead to an undeclared civil war. The protesters are mostly rural and urban poor who are part of a group called the UDD, the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship, more commonly known as the Red Shirts. Is the Red Shirt movement a genuine grassroots struggle, or a front for the ousted former...