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Toronto G20: Austerity Measures and Police Brutality for Concerned Citizens

Video Paul Jay of the Real News Network argues that the agreement emerging from the Toronto G20 summit had "a little bit of something for everybody." According to Jay, much that is contained in the G20 document is conditional with just one "hard agreement," which states, "The advanced economies have committed to fiscal plans that will at least halve deficits by 2013 and stabilize or reduce government debt-to-GDP ratios by 2016." (The G20 Summit Declaration) The...

2010 Soccer World Cup in Palestine: No Barrier to Enjoyment

Video The only difference between watching the Soccer World Cup in Bethlehem and on the rest of the planet is that in this part of the world, a tournament aimed at uniting the people, is being beamed on a wall that separates them, reports Al Jazeera. This report takes us to the West Bank where a Palestinian restaurant is innovatively broadcasting World Cup matches on Israel's infamous apartheid wall. It's pulling in the crowds, but there’s still a tragic irony to this feel good story from...

How BP Handles a Giant Coffee Spill

Video The Upright Comedy Brigade (UCB) is an American comedy group that has satirised the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the largest in American history and an environmental disaster of mammoth proportions. To hilarious effect, but also tragically highlighting catastrophic corporate fumbling in relation to this environmental disaster, UCB shows how BP handles a giant coffee spill. The oil spill, which started on 20 April 2010 after an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig...

Is US Foreign Policy Changing Towards Cuba?

Video A year ago, US President, Barack Obama, went to the Organisation of American States summit and heard from many Latin American leaders that America's continued isolation of Cuba was out of step with the rest of the nation's represented at the summit. Larry Wilkerson, chair of the US-Cuba Policy Initiative at the New America Foundation contends that America has been muddling around with its foreign policy since the end of the Cold War and that US foreign policy toward Cuba is changing...

The Upside Down World Cup Campaign

Video As the 2010 World Cup opens in South Africa, Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now speak with Raj Patel about one of the most overlooked aspects of this year’s tournament: the ongoing struggle of tens of thousands of shack dwellers across the country. Over the past year, shack settlement leaders in Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town have been chased from their homes by gangs, arrested, detained without hearing, and assaulted. As the World Cup begins, a shack dwellers’...

Veteran White House Correspondent Retires after Controversial Israel Comment

Video Veteran White House Press Corps reporter, Helen Thomas, retired after 60 years. She was the most senior White House correspondent -- her stellar career covering nine presidents from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama. Her resignation comes in the midst of a blaze of condemnation from establishment critics and the White House after she made the controversial remark that Israel should "get the hell out of Palestine." Thomas is no stranger to controversy and has a fierce reputation for...