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Does Poverty Rise as Biodiversity Falls?

Video There is a strong link between biodiversity and poverty argues, economist, Pavan Sukhdev, head of the United Nations (UN) Green Economy Initiative. The typical view taken is that it's a choice. You can have biodiversity or you can have poverty. You can have development or you can have nature, but not both.  This is false thinking, contends Sukhdev, as it is not the case that biodiversity is just the preserve of the rich.  Biodiversty is valuable to everyone, but is an absolute...

Slavoj Zizek: How Corporations Make Profits by Associating Themselves with Charitable Causes

Video In this Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts (RSA) animated video, Slovenian philosopher, Slavoj Zizek, investigates the ethical implications of charitable giving, as suggested by big business. Zizek draws attention to an important debate while the creative genius of the RSA illustrators is enormously entertaining to watch. Find an edited transcript of Zizek’s speech below courtesy of Alternet. *** I want to develop a line of thought about one point: why, in our economy,...

Behind Mexico's Bloodshed

Video The discovery of 72 murdered migrants in Mexico last week has directed international attention to a country in the grip of a violent war between competing drug cartels. The Real News Network speaks to investigative journalist, Bruce Livesey, who recently returned from Mexico.  Livesey says that the reasons behind the violence in Mexico are complicated. But among them he highlights the role of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which fueled the drug trade in two ways....

Withdrawal or Enduring Presence? US Military Continues to Invest Hundreds of Millions in Iraq Bases

Video In his Oval Office address Tuesday night, President Obama said the US had closed or transferred hundreds of bases to the Iraqis. But many US bases remain in Iraq, as well as the massive US embassy in Baghdad, the size of eighty football fields, reports Democracy Now, as it features a report on the reality of US bases in Iraq by independent journalist Jacquie Soohen of Big Noise Films.  Independent journalist and Democracy Now correspondent, Jeremy Scahill contends, "The United...

Direct Peace Talks between the Palestinians and Israeli's (Again)

Video Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu will meet face to face for the first time in Washington DC for direct talks after months of shuttle diplomacy and proximity talks via Middle East peace envoy, George Mitchell, reports Link TV. Much hope is being placed on the negotiations culminating in an agreement within a year. But analysts as well as the Palestinian and Israeli public are skeptical about the meeting leading to any concrete results. According to an Al Jazeera report, this encounter...

UN Slow to Respond to Gang Rape of 154 Women and Five Boys in Congo

Video Aid groups reported last week that Rwandan and Congolese rebels took over villages in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo and gang-raped almost 200 women and five young boys. The rapes occurred between July 30 and August 3, within miles of a United Nations (UN) peacekeeping base. The humanitarian group that documented the rapes, International Medical Corps, said aid and UN workers knew the rebels had occupied the villages soon after it happened and that they notified the...