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WikiRebels: A Documentary about WikiLeaks & Julian Assange

Video While the world debates the merits of the case surrounding its founder, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks continues to pursue its political agenda, which is to expose immoral and unjust behaviour by releasing classified information into the public domain -- a small, but important step in a larger political and ideological battle. The documentary WikiRebels, filmed in the six months leading up to Assange's arrest in England (on an extradition warrant from Swedish authorities seeking to bring him in...

One Year Later, Life No Better in Haiti

Video January 12, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of the earthquake that shattered the lives of millions of Haitians. One year after the earthquake in, much hasn't changed on the ground in Haiti. People are still living in squalid, cramped, flimsy, makeshift shelter because there is no space to build proper housing. Much of this can be attributed to the fact that the rubble from the earthquake has not been cleared -- bodies that were in the destroyed buildings on January 12th 2010, for the...

New Obama Chief of Staff Appointment Further Proof that White House Belongs to Wall Street

Video In recent days, president Barack Obama of America announced his new Chief of Staff, William Daley. For the past seven years, Daley has been a senior executive at JP Morgan Chase. Before that he worked for a hedge fund and in telecommunications. He was also Bill Clinton's commerce secretary for three years and he managed Al Gore's failed run for the Presidency in the year 2000. Paul Jay of the Real News Network speaks with Glenn Ford, co-founder of Black Agenda Report, founding member of the...

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff: From Imprisoned Guerrilla Fighter to 'The Most Powerful Woman in the World'

Video Brazil has made history with the swearing-in of its first female president. On 1 January 2011, Dilma Rousseff received the presidential sash from outgoing President Lula da Silva at a ceremony in the capital Brasília. In her inaugural speech, Rousseff paid tribute to Lula and repeated her pledge to eradicate chronic poverty in Brazil. In the 1960s, Rousseff was a guerrilla resisting Brazil’s military dictatorship. She was imprisoned and tortured for three years. Amy Goodman of...

Guess which Country Is Israel's Strongest Supporter? Hint: It's not America

Video Canada has long been known as a neutral mediator. The country has often played a nonaligned diplomatic role, but when it comes to foreign policy on Israel, the government of Canada has given up any pretence of neutrality and very publicly picked one side. In 2008, when Hamas won democratic elections in Gaza, Canada was the first to cut all aid to the Palestinian Authority. In 2009, during Israel's attack on Gaza, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution condemning the...

How Shell Infiltrated Nigeria

Video Nigeria, Africa's most populous country has been infiltrated by oil company, Shell, the leaked WikiLeaks diplomatic cables reveal. According to cables from the US State Department, an American diplomat documents a meeting with a top executive from Royal Dutch Shell who states that the company had access to everything that was being done in the country. Shell has seconded staff to every relevant oil ministry giving them unparalleled access to government decision making in Nigeria. In the...