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Haiti's Troubled Democracy

Video As Haiti prepares for a presidential run off in March, thousands are protesting against a three month extension to outgoing president, René Préval's term. In November 2010, Haiti held a presidential election. Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Centre for Economic and Policy Research, an economic think tank in Washington DC, contends that the US government, using the Organisation of American States as a political instrument, forced the government of Haiti to change the...

From Tahrir Square to Dakar and Back Again

Video An activist from Egypt who spent days on Tahrir square has traveled to Dakar to attend the World Social Forum (WSF). Here she talks about how the revolution was started in Egypt, who the main organizers and supporters of the protest are, as well as emphasizing the secular nature and diversity of people involved in the call for President Mubarak to step. Find part two of her interview here. The WSF, the counterpoint to the World Economic Forum, is currently underway in Dakar, Senegal....

Naomi Klein and Big Noise Films: The Search for BP's Oil

Video The deepwater horizon spill has been recast as a good news story about a disaster averted. But oceanographers studying the spill say that below these healthy looking waves, the Gulf's problems are far from over. The oil from BP's spill in the Gulf didn't just magically disappear. Naomi Klein and Big Noise Films' Jacquie Soohen headed to the Gulf aboard the research vessel Weatherbird II, they found plenty of evidence of the damage still being done. 

Chomsky on Egypt: 'This is the Most Remarkable Regional Uprising that I Can Remember'

Video In recent weeks, popular uprisings in the Arab world have led to the ouster of Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the imminent end of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s regime, a new Jordanian government, and a pledge by Yemen’s longtime dictator to leave office at the end of his term.  Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks to MIT Professor Noam Chomsky about what this means for the future of the Middle East and U.S. foreign policy in the region. When asked about...

Egypt: The Rebellion Grows Stronger

Video Massive protests in Egypt continue for more than a week as tens of thousands pack into Tahrir Square in Cairo. Protesters are vowing to stay in the streets until President Hosni Mubarak resigns. A "million man march" is being organized for Tuesday, 1 February 2011. Egyptian born, Democracy Now! senior producer Sharif Abdel Kouddous, has returned to Cairo to report on events from the ground.  Watch the clip above for an interview with Kouddous and find a transcript of the...

US Supports Egyptian President Even as Thousands Call For His Ouster

Video Inspired by the mass protests that brought down the Tunisian President Zine El Ben Ali, tens of thousands of Egyptians joined in street protests against rising food prices, joblessness and calling for an end to 30 years of emergency law and President Hosni Mubarak's rule, on 25 January 2011. According to Al Jazeera, one police officer in Cairo and two civilians died amidst the rallies. On the same day as the nationwide protests, US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, reiterated her...