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Protesting the French Niqab Ban in Hot Pants

Video When the French ban on the niqab was passed into law last year, two French students protested the ban by donning niqabs and hot pants to test the reaction of French authorities. The women, both students in their 20's, stomped around Paris targeting the administration buildings of French authorities, notably the immigration office. The French niqab ban went into effect on 11 April 2011. According to the Telegraph, the women call themselves the "Niqabitches" and...

BRICS vs War on Libya

Video With growing economies and a population of nearly three billion people, do the U.S. and its Western allies have to listen to what the BRICS countries said at their summit this week? Robery Naimam of Just Foreign Policy tries to answer this question put to him by Russia Today. The BRICS countries represent 40% of the world's population, they're all on the UN security council with two having permanent seats. The BRICS represent a 5th of the global economy. According to Naiman part of the...

Unemployment: South Africa's 'Ticking Time Bomb'

Video Rising unemployment in South Africa is spelling disaster for the country's black population, reports Al Jazeera, as it highlights the prevalence of unemployment amongst youth both with and without educational qualifications. According to Al Jazeera, a recent study claims more than half of black youths do not have a job, a situation which the government refers to as a "ticking time bomb."

Surfing Soweto

Video Failed by society in general and by our economic and education systems in particular, dispossessed and disregarded youth from Soweto risk the ultimate sacrifice while surfing on moving trains in an elusive search for affirmation. Surfing Soweto is a documentary that follows the lives of three of the most notorious train surfers in Soweto: Bitch Nigga, Lefa and Mzembe. The original documentary, available for viewing on You Tube, has recently been updated and turned into an 82 minute feature....

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

Video Part One The clip above is part one of a multi-part interview by Paul Jay of The Real News Network with Ha-Joon Chang, Cambridge economist and author of the book, "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism." The debate about "capitalism" being at the core of the economic meltdown seems to have died down. But what about the future of the capitalist system? Is the world facing another meltdown? And, is there a more rational way to have a capitalist system?...

Goldstone Retracts Only Part of His Report on Israeli Assault on Gaza, but Leaves Rest Intact

Video  The lead author of The Goldstone Report on the 2008-2009 Israeli assault on Gaza has backtracked on one of his key findings. In an editorial run Friday by the Washington Post, Judge Richard Goldstone said, “Civilians were not intentionally targeted [by Israel] as a matter of policy.” Now Israel has called on the United Nations to retract the report on the devastating war that led to the death of about 1,400 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians, and 13 Israelis. To...