Democracy & Governance

The relationship between democracy and governance and the realisation of socio-economic rights is an important issue for debate. SACSIS seeks to understand this relationship and identify issues that act as barriers to pro-poor democracy.

NGO Influence on the Wane?

Picture: World Economic Forum Glenn Ashton - The role that Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) play in South Africa regionally is under unprecedented threat from several fronts. Under apartheid, and particularly during its dying days, NGO’s had a massive influence on the emergence of the new democratic state of South Africa. Many NGO’s were de facto political instruments of the disenfranchised majority and they also had a profound reach into society as a result of the failure of the apartheid state to provide the...

First Moral Leadership, Then Nationalisation

Picture: ANC (adapted by SACSIS) Saliem Fakir - There is no gentleness spared when waging war against “counter-revolutionaries” on the question of nationalisation. It’s the tough business of ruffling feathers. Those who demur get roughed up in verbal scuffles and perhaps worse. There are catcalls and labelling. Not for all of us, this is the time of high economic stakes for a few. The National General Council (NGC) of the ANC slipped through a quagmire on the issue of nationalisation and only just by the skin of its...

The Patriarch Calls Us to a Very Dubious Order

Picture: World Economic Forum - Eric Miller Richard Pithouse - Jacob Zuma sought to cast himself as the grand patriarch calling his family to order in his speech at the National General Council of the African National Congress. His call for order was warmly received by a wide range of people inside and out of the ANC. It's hardly surprising that many people have welcomed the call for order given Malema’s ranting in support of the avaricious ambitions of the predatory faction of the political class and some of the excesses in the recent strike. But...

We Need a Properly Democratic Defence of Democracy

Picture: Teamquitter Richard Pithouse - Democracy is...the action that constantly wrests the monopoly of public life from oligarchic government. - Jacques Rancière, Hatred of Democracy, 2006. Now that the African National Congress has issued a clear declaration of its intent to roll back media freedom in the name of the people, civil society is scurrying around like a disturbed ant’s nest. But as it rallies to the blogs, op-ed pages and debates in the higher reaches of the public sphere to defend its freedoms, we...

Traditional Leaders in South Africa: Custom and Tradition in a Modern State?

Picture: Zizo Glenn Ashton - The recent announcement by President Zuma that certain traditional leadership positions would be not be continued when the incumbent leaders died was met by a remarkable lack of reaction and discussion in the media. A far more profound level of debate would certainly have happened in the affected rural areas where these chieftainships are to be phased out. Against the bigger picture this was a cosmetic change to traditional and customary practice in South Africa. Surely we must continue to...

Time for Broad Based Political Empowerment

Picture: Richie Duchon Richard Pithouse - Jacob Zuma has assured us that the “ANC will never do anything that undermines the spirit of the Constitution of the Republic and which erodes the dignity and rights of other people, regardless of their standing in society. ” This assurance rings more than a little hollow given that the media is already under serious threat, poor people’s movement are already facing serious repression, the police are already killing more people than they have at any time since the late...