Why South Africa's Metal Workers Union Is Pushing Green Energy

12 Mar 2012

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There've been numerous media reports of National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa's (NUMSA) call for a "socially owned" renewable energy sector. Recently, The Real News Network, a US-based media outlet, talked to Cedric Gina, president of NUMSA about the significance of workers leading the transition to a green economy.

South Africa is a country heavily dependent on carbon emitting fossil fuels, mostly in the form of coal, with seriously negative implications for climate change. As South Africa transitions to a low-carbon economy, it will become important for workers to take the lead in shaping the renewables energy sector, argues Gina. Workers should not lose out on opportunities provided by the emergence of this new industry, he contends. According to Gina, NUMSA could facilitate the training of members to develop their skills for work in the renewable energy sector.

Watch this interview with the president of NUMSA also to hear more about his views on nationalization.

You can find this page online at http://sacsis.org.za/site/article/1234.

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