January 2010

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Public Services Broadcasting Bill an Exercise in Maldevelopment

Picture: Saharaulak Jane Duncan - Debates about the controversial Public Services Broadcasting Bill have focussed on proposed changes to the South African Broadcasting Corporation's (SABC) funding model, as well as attempts by the Department of Communications to exercise undue control over the SABC and the community media sector, ostensibly to ensure that the sector meets developmental state objectives. To this end, the Department requires the SABC to '[support] rural development, particularly in the areas of agriculture, job...

Avatar: A Humanist Call From Mt. Hollywood

Picture: rxau Gilad Atzmon - James Cameron's Anti-War Film Avatar may well be the biggest anti-war film of all time. It stands against everything the West is identified with. It is against greed and capitalism, it is against interventionism, it is against colonialism and imperialism, it is against technological orientation, it is against America and Britain. It puts Wolfowitz, Blair and Bush on trial without even mentioning their names. It enlightens the true meaning of ethics as a dynamic judgmental process rather than...