Keyword: Zimbabwe

South Africa: How to Address Unemployment, Land and Wealth Inequality?

Picture: Brazil Glenn Ashton - Structural poverty, exacerbated by falling employment, has dogged South Africa since 1994. Subsequently unemployment has officially increased from around one fifth of the active workforce, to a quarter today. The unofficial “expanded” and probably more realistic level of unemployment is closer to 40%. This issue, more than any other, threatens the fundamental stability of our nation. In 1995 the philosopher Jeremy Rifkin published a book called the “The End of...

Will 2013 See the End of Mugabe's 33-Year Rule?

Picture: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe courtesy Wikimedia Commons. Video On 31 May Zimbabwe's Constitutional Court, the nation's highest court, ordered that elections should take place by the end of July. The elections will end an uneasy power-sharing government between President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, which was formed following tense negotiations in September 2008.

As the country goes to the polls the Frontline Club in London hosts panel of experts to discuss what this election will mean for the future of Zimbabwe. Will 2013 see the...

Zimbabwe: Voting for Progress

Picture: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe courtesy Wikimedia Commons. Eric Draitser - Zimbabwe’s upcoming elections, scheduled to take place on July 31st, will go a long way to determining the future of the country. On the one hand, the entrenched power of President Mugabe and ZANU-PF enters the elections with a track record that both elicits praise and inspires criticism. On the other hand, there is Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and his opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) which enters the election once again with the high-minded rhetoric of...

Food Security in Crisis: Lessons for South Africa from Zimbabwe

Picture: IRIN/Flickr Jos Martens - Once again, Zimbabwe is experiencing a drought with famine affecting at least 1.4 of the 12.6 million people still living in the country. USAID estimates that the country produces just over half the two million metric tons (MT) of cereal needed to feed the entire population. Those most affected are the people in the rural areas located in the drier regions of the country, the estimated 350 000 farm workers and their families, most of whom lost their jobs under Zimbabwe’s “Fast...

It's Better to Beg on the Streets of Johannesburg than to Starve in Zimbabwe

Picture: IRIN Photos/Flickr Video After having fled economic hardship and political violence in their own country, an estimated 1.5 million Zimbabweans live in South Africa. Millions of migrants in South Africa remain undocumented. Those living with disabilities are amongst the most vulnerable. Out of Sight is a short documentary that explores the lives of blind undocumented Zimbabwean migrants as they try and eke out a living begging on the streets of Johannesburg. © IRIN

Mugabe's Tunisia Day Will Come

Picture: US Navy and Imraan Buccus - People's power has arrived in Africa and, as some have recently argued, it's not just Africa north of the Sahara in which the democratic spirit is stirring. The thrilling political earthquake that began in Tunisia, exploded into Egypt and then rippled out to Libya is set to leave lasting changes in its wake. Its too early to say exactly what those changes will be but one thing is for sure – this is the greatest moment in the global struggle for human freedom since 1989 when the Soviet...